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avalanche risk, weather, snowfall records
1 ноября 2017 21:19
2 messages
2 messages
1 ноября 2017 21:19 Reply



  we are planning as a group to com around gauduri for ski touring mi april. Planning for that we are looking for some information:


  is tehre an avalanche risk estimation in georgia similar to that available in countries members of European Avalanche warning system ?

 is there is georgia a set of meteorological station recording snow heights along the year ? if so is there an open database of these record ?


more prosaically, what are the usual snow condition for ski rouing around Gauduri mid april ?


thx in advance.


1 ноября 2017 21:57
2547 Posts
2547 Posts
1 ноября 2017 21:57 Reply

WildGuru - it's for you. All about ski touring in Gudairi.


2 ноября 2017 00:32
2 messages
2 messages
2 ноября 2017 00:32 Reply

we are not looking for an already organised raid, but want to be autonomous, so we are looking for reliable source of information to that end..


2 ноября 2017 09:36
85 Posts
85 Posts
2 ноября 2017 09:36 Reply

Usually in April the snow is wet, and avalanches risk is very high.

Mid april is the worstest time for skiing, might be rains, snow is very slow (like griptape). 

And no other information that you are looking for. 

2 ноября 2017 11:44
2547 Posts
2547 Posts
2 ноября 2017 11:44 Reply

цитата: dwarfpower

but want to be autonomous

I strongly recommend the guide. Unfamiliar mountains are dangerous.

Some info about possible tours near ski-lifts: http://wildguru.com/en/tour-s_en/freeride_en/programm_en/

Visiting more distant and interesting places is possible only with the help of a transfer and a guide.

7 ноября 2017 12:46
399 Posts
399 Posts
7 ноября 2017 12:46 Reply

You can read this: http://wildguru.com/en/snowfalls-diary-in-gudauri/ 

We have a meteostation: http://wildguru.com/media/weather-real-gudauri/ ​ (2000 m, but it will be working only in December)

Our guides can give you all the information about snowfalls, avalanches, weather... 
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