So, This summer i'll be graduating from college and, after a month of leave, will be moving to Fort Benning, Georgia for the next ~8 months. I've always had dreams of blazing a trail and taking a road trip across the country, so I'm planning on taking maybe 7 to 10 days of my leave/vacation to drive down the East coast, from my home in Massachusetts to Georgia. While I'd like to spend the nights in major cities along the way or with friends from school, I want to avoid the monotony of I-95 and instead take a more scenic and meaningful route between rest stops.I should also mention that I'm a student of Human Geography: studying people and their different cultures is what I hope to do some day for a profession, so I'm hoping to find some great sites or slices of small town life that I can take pictures of or write about.
Lastly, my plans are flexible, so I can do anything from 7-14 days.
Please help
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.