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About Georgia

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Country name: Worldwide name: Georgia. Self called: Sakartvelo
Capital – Tbilisi.
Official language: Georgian.
Currency: 1 lari = 100 tetri.
Local time: GMT + 4 (no change for winter time)
Internet domain: .ge
International phone code: +995
Land area: 69,7 thousand sq. km.
Highest mountain: Shkhara (5068 m).
Population: 4,371,534 (2002)
Population density – 78 people per 1 sq. km.
Urban population – 56%, rural – 44%.
Nations: Georgians (self name - Kartveli) - 70,1%, Armenians - 8,1%, Russians - 6,3%, Azerbaijani - 5,7%, Ossetians - 3%, Abkhazians - 1,8% (1999).
Religion: Orthodox Christian 75 % (65% - Georgian Orthodox Church, 10% - Russian Orthodox Church), Muslims - 11%, Armenian Gregorian Church 8%.
Average life expectancy: 69 years (men), 78 years (women) (UN)
Major cities: Tbilisi (1.270.00), Kutaisi (243.500), Rustavi (155.100), Batumi (137.900), Sukhumi (122.000 in 1990), Chiatura (70.700), Gori (70.500), Poti (50.100), Zugdidi (52.600), Tskhinvale (42.000 in 1990).
Political division: 9 regions (Kahetia; Shida Kartli; Kvemo Kartli; Mtskheta-Mtianeti; Samtskhe-Dzhavaheti; Imereti; Racha-Lechkhumi, Kvemo Svaneti and Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti ; Guriya; central region of Tbilisi, including ten districts), 2 autonomous republics (Adzharia and Abkhazia).
Official holidays:
January 1: New Year
January 7: Christmas (Orthodox)
January 19: Epiphany
March 3: Mother Day
March 8: Women Day
April 9: National Unity Day
Easter (Orthodox) – weekend – Good Friday and next Monday
May 9: Victory Day,
May 12: St. Andrew’s Day
May 26: Independence Day
August 28: the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
October 14: Day of Mtskheta – ancient Georgian capital
November 23: St. George’s Day
Custom rules:
Import of foreign currency – no limits
Export of foreign currency – no limits during a year from the date of entrance

Import of national currency – 25,000 lari maximum
Export of national currency – 3,000 lari maximum

Prohibited to import: Weapons, explosives, illegal drugs, literature impeaching state system, some video films.
Prohibited to export: Items of historical and cultural value.

Highest mountains:
Shkhara – 5068 m.
Janga – 5059 m.
Mkinvartsveri (Kazbek) – 5033 m.
Longest rivers:
Mtkvari (Kura) – 1364 km.
Tegri – 623 km.
Chorokhi – 438 km.
Biggest lakes:
Paravani – 37,5 sq.km.
Kartsakhi– 26,3 sq.km.
Paliastomi – 18,2 sq.km.

Geography: The greater Caucasus range creates a natural border with Russian Federation in the north. This borderline stretches for 723 km. the border with Turkey is in the southeast, Armenia in the south, Azerbaijan in the east Georgia is washed by the black sea in the west, which forms a 315km (205 mile-long) coast line.
The inter mountain depression to the south of the greater Caucasus encompasses the Kolkheti lowland, inner Kartli, lower Kartli and the Alazani plain. Still further to the south the minor Caucasian ranges rise to the medium height (Meskheti, Shavsheti and other ranges), reaching 2850 m. the southernmost area of the country is covered by the volcanic south Georgian upland (Mt. Didi Abuli 3301 m, its highest peak). The greater Caucasus and the south Georgian upland join with the Likhi range, which at the same time divides Georgia into two contrasting climatic zones: western and eastern Georgia.
Climate: A humid subtropical climate dominants in western Georgia, while eastern Georgia features a transition from subtropical to moderate. The climatic zones are ranging from humid subtropical to the eternal snow and glaciers. The greater Caucasus range moderates local climate by serving as a barrier against cold air from the north.
The mean January temperature varies from -2 degree (Kolkheti) to 3 degree; in August from 23 to 26 degree. In the mean annual precipitation varies from 1000 to 2800 mm, in eastern Georgia from 300 to 600. In mountains the July temperature is 4–6° С, in high mountains in January it could be –10–16° С.

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